Manage Your Climate Risks and Discover Your Climate Opportunities
Our climate crisis guarantees that we will live in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world for decades. Every person and every organization will be impacted. These impacts won't be the same. Different organizations can expect different risks and opportunities. Each organization will face unique climate impacts.
Since our climate crisis is unprecedented, we can't use historical data to extrapolate likely futures. Strategic Foresight is the first step in the Climate Foresight Advisory process to determine the unique climate risks and opportunities your organization is likely to experience.

The next step in the process is to identify a limited number of potential, plausible and preferable scenarios. This helps us to identify the most likely, and the most disruptive, impacts. It shows us where to focus our planning efforts. And it helps us identify a desired future to work toward.

We now have our list of risks and opportunities. So what do we do about them? We prioritize according to potential impacts of the risks and potential benefits of the opportunities. Which risks are too unlikely, or too minor, to bother with? Which must be addressed immediately, and which can wait? Which risks can be insured? What adaptation and mitigation actions should be taken? And which business opportunities should be investigated to determine R&D costs and potential ROI?

Once your climate plan is in place, it must be monitored and tweaked over time. Climate Foresight Advisory (CFA) scans the horizon for Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental and Political (STEEP) news that may impact your plan. We live in a turbulent, interconnected and fast moving world. Course corrections and pivots will need to be made to maintain your plan's effectiveness.